Never forget that you are not at fault, that you are not helpless, and that you are not alone. You and your children can receive help, and there are ways to get away. Get in touch with a competent family law attorney if you want to know what steps to take to safeguard your interests.
Identifying Domestic Abuse
It is a commonly held belief that domestic violence always involves some physical abuse. However, there are varying degrees of domestic violence, and physical assault is just one part of this equation.
Physical Abuse
Physical abuse is the most apparent type of domestic violence, involving force to injure the victim (i.e: a kick or a punch, shooting, stabbing, slapping, choking, forcing you to use drugs, etc.). However, the injury doesn’t need to be severe to prove this kind of violence. For instance, your abuser hits you a few times, inflicting minor injuries that don’t require medical attention. Despite limited harm, the slap is domestic violence.
Emotional Abuse
Emotional abuse is insult, criticism, or humiliation that destroys the victim’s self-worth. It is a tricky kind of domestic violence to understand since it seems frequent in unstable relationships. However, there are some signs of emotional abuse. In most places, emotional abuse isn’t enough to file a domestic violence complaint. But please don’t hesitate to get help if you are in this situation.
Sexual Abuse
Domestic violence often includes sexual abuse. It involves sexual assault, rape, and harassment, such as unwanted touching and degrading behavior. Victims often misunderstand sexual abuse. You might have been the victim of sexual abuse if you were forced to forego birth control (the pill, condoms, IUDs, etc.) or cancel a planned abortion. This is reproductive coercion.
Financial Abuse
Financial abuse is the least evident type of domestic violence. It might include a spouse blocking your access to education or a paying job. Financial abuse is widespread in families with joint accounts (one partner dominating) and little or no family assistance.
Psychological Abuse
Psychological abuse is intimidating, threatening, or fear-inducing behavior. This must be more than just a one-off act because a single incident rarely justifies domestic violence charges. Psychological abuse may not be adequate to launch a domestic violence lawsuit unless it’s serious.
Psychological abuse encompasses several behaviors:
- Keeping the sufferer from communicating without permission
- Not letting the victim leave the house
- Making a threat of physical harm to the victim or
- Emotional blackmail for acting in a way that the abusive partner dislikes
Are you stuck in an abusive relationship? Connect with us to get help.
Victim Of Domestic Violence? Get Help From Lehr Law.
The seasoned criminal defense and family law attorneys at Lehr Law, APC are here to help you. Our firm fights to defend the constitutional rights of those who have been a victim of domestic violence.
Our lawyers can analyze your case and outline your legal options.
Call us today at (858) 240-9993 or request a consultation online to discuss your situation today.