Depending on the extent of damage to the spinal disk, traumatic brain injuries can produce tingling and burning sensations in the neck or back that will alert you that you need immediate medical care. Treatments may consist of conservative chiropractic sessions to steroid injections or even surgical intervention, which can add up in costs quickly.
As a victim of a traumatic brain injury, you should be compensated for the costs and suffering associated.
Common Ways Traumatic Brain Injuries Occur
While any significant impact to the head could potentially result in a brain injury. Some of the most common causes include:
- Slip and Falls
- Motorcycle Accidents
- Car Accidents
- Assault and Battery and Violent Crimes
- Truck Accidents
- Falling Objects and Flying Debris
- Gun Shooting and Assaults with Deadly Weapons
- Explosions involving intensive wave pressure
An estimated 550,000 brain injuries per year are caused by slip/trip and fall accidents, and another 275,000 are the result of traffic collisions.
Types Of TBI Cases Our Firm Handles
Here at Lehr Law, we have a long history of working with traumatic brain injury victims to ensure they receive proper compensation for their injuries. Below are the most common TBI cases we have assisted with.
Car, Truck & Motorcycle Accidents
Motor vehicle accidents remain among the top causes of traumatic brain injuries in the United States. The sudden impact received from a car accident, truck accident or motorcycle accident can result in serious damages to the nerves and tissues of the brain. Aside from the immediate health problems, the long-term effects can leave victims potentially unable to normally function ever again.
Slip & Falls
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, slip and falls make up nearly half of all traumatic brain injury related hospitalizations each year. These injuries require lengthy recovery periods, and have the potential to create a variety of short and long-term health problems. Slip and fall victims with TBI’s need to be compensated for their medical bills, loss of income, and most importantly, their suffering.
Start Working With A Traumatic Brain Injury Lawyer Today
Litigating brain injury cases presents many hurdles and challenges, including extensive and highly specific discovery, expert testimony from medical practitioners, and tedious legal representation.
The traumatic brain injury lawyers at Lehr Law have years of experience handling unique challenges that brain injury cases hold, including those involving traumatic brain injuries and spinal cord injuries. Reach out today to get started on your case by calling (858) 240-9993 or by requesting a consultation online.